It's that time of the year again - the time when we are too focused on studying for finals and shopping for our loved ones that we forget to care for ourselves, but we're changing that this year! Finals and the holidays are stressful enough as it is, but doing all this during a pandemic, multiplies the stress, so this holiday season, it is crucial that we make time for self-care, and with that in mind, I created a self-care advent calendar for you!
Take a bubble bath
Go on a walk around your neighborhood
Take a nap
Go on a hike
Read a book for an hour
Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while
Make a list of things you love about yourself
Declutter your closet
Go out and get a massage
Treat yourself to a nice dinner
Stay in pajamas all-day
Take on an artistic project
Buy yourself flowers
Try a new baking recipe
Go on a road trip
Write a poem
Binge-watch your favorite show
Sleep in
Try a new hobby
Unplug from social media
Start the day by doing yoga
Create a vision board
Have a karaoke night by yourself and sing your heart out
Drink hot cocoa while enjoying your favorite holiday movie