RWC tutors Hannah Grace, Gabriela Santiago, Rosa Corcoles, Jimmy Calvert, and Paula Rawlings list some of the benefits of verbally processing and learning.
The Problem with Typing and Writing-
Some students find writing challenging because the act of writing can interfere with their thought processes. Something may come to their mind, and they begin to type or write their ideas on paper. The physical act of typing or writing causes their thought process to freeze up, and they often completely forget what amazing thoughts they had. This frustrates many tutees who find it easier to speak their ideas out loud. If you are someone who has this issue, there are many tools, tricks, and apps for that. See the articles by Gabriela Santiago for more.
Speaking Reduces Barriers-
Dictation tools eliminate the need for manual drafting, reducing physical and often mental barriers. For tutees with physical disabilities or those who struggle with dyslexia, dysgraphia, or other learning disabilities, dictation tools can be a means of reducing the time it takes to finish a project and eliminating some of the stress involved in the writing process. Additionally, disregarding any physical or learning disabilities, some tutees simply find it easier to express their thoughts verbally rather than through writing. Some people are talkers. Dictation tools allow these students to express their ideas more naturally, often leading to clearer and more understandable writing. Unfortunately, there is a catch. Many of the dictation tools are not as advanced as others, and edits are required. Regardless of the program used, further reading and revision are needed, such as adding punctuation and capitalization, rephrasing, and italicizing, but that is to be expected with any writing project.
The Problem with Reading-
Simply put, many tutees find reading boring. They find it difficult to stay focused while sitting for, what feels to them, a butt-numbing eternity. Also, it is often difficult to schedule sit-down time to read. Fortunately, geniuses sometime in earth’s history invented the most beneficial modes of consuming all kinds of literature–audiobooks, text-to-audio browser extensions, and Zoom recordings. For the commuter, listening to audio versions of assigned texts and lectures is a huge time saver. Many new tutees find having the freedom to revisit a Zoom sessions take the stress out of immediately writing every awesome tip a tutor walked them through. Tutors can simply send a copy of the recorded session to a tutee.
Optimizing Auditory Tools-
Although many students prefer auditory learning, there are ways to optimize the retention of information. One should read along with the audio recording. If this is not possible due to, say, driving, occasional speaking or writing notes provide something to study later. Also, listening to recordings multiple times will further engrain the information. Lastly, active listening, not passive listening, through visualization and occasionally reflecting on the content will ensure proper retention.