(This article was first published in the April 2019 issue of Paper Jam)

In the United States, we celebrate School Librarian Day every year on April 4th as a token of appreciation from students everywhere to their school librarians. Throughout the day, school librarians are recognized for all of the hard work and passion that they put into their job. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting all three of our school librarians here at Reedley College. They work hard along with the rest of the staff to keep the library functioning in an orderly manner. Each librarian is there to help students feel welcome as they help students search for resources more efficiently and effectively. Not only do they take the time to give us suggestions of what books can help us on a specific topic, but they go out of their way to visit classrooms to talk about the many resources that are available with just the click of a button.
Reedley College Librarians also create strong bonds with students by showing how much they care for our future. Being able to communicate and get along with our librarians is very important because they are here to help us reach our educational goals through the knowledge that books provide. Not only should we appreciate them on this day, but whenever we see them, we should take a moment to get to know them more and thank them for all of the work they put into their job. So, if you have spare time, stop by the library and give our school librarians a big thank you for all that they do to make our college a better learning environment for everyone.
Interview with Librarian Shivon Hess
1. What has been the most memorable memory you have had while working as a Librarian?
My most memorable memory would be from several years ago (at another library) when I helped an important figure in civil rights history. I was new to the area and didn’t know who this person was until a colleague informed me afterward. I was in awe so, of course, I did my research and learned something new! I will never forget this experience or this person and how close I was to a living, breathing historical figure. You never know who you’re going to meet or help in this lifetime.
2. What do you love most about being a Librarian?
It’s a great feeling when I get feedback from students and faculty who let us know how much our services, tech, or collection have helped them achieve their goals. This is the fuel that keeps me learning new innovative ways to fit the needs of our ever-changing, ever-growing community.
3. What would you tell students to encourage them to visit the library more often?
We don’t bite! I’ve said this in several classes, but it’s true! Libraries often have the misperception of being lifeless, cold buildings full of dusty old books. Furthermore, libraries are staffed with mean librarians who read all day and shush their patrons. We are so far from that! Our main goal is to support the information needs of the campus and curriculum – which is a big job considering how many classes and departments there are! We collaborate with faculty to ensure we have relevant resources to support student coursework. Students –you’re not bothering us at all! We want you to ask questions! Or just grab a seat and hang out or study!
Interview with Adjunct Librarian Nance Espinosa
1. What has been the most memorable memory you have had while working as a Librarian?
All the student workers, and co-workers, I have had the privilege of working with.
2.What do you love most about being a Librarian?
Helping people find information and catching up on their progress.
3. How many years have you been working here at Reedley College as a Librarian?
March 17, 2007. Twelve years.
Interview with Adjunct Librarian Mai Soua Lee
1. What has been the most memorable memory you have had while working as a Librarian?
The most memorable memory for me while working as a Librarian here at Reedley College was when a pair of doggie-buddies casually strolled into the library from one end of the circulation room out through the other side of the library. This was memorable for me because at that moment, I realized that not only students, faculty, and staff found the RC library to be a wonderful place to learn, explore, and hang out; even our four-legged friends found it to be a very enjoyable facility too.
2. What do you love most about being a librarian?
What I love most about being a librarian is being able to support and impact students' educational aspirations and success. I love spreading knowledge and ensuring that students receive the highest quality of library support, services, and resources to maximize learning and exploration.
3. What makes Reedley College a good working environment?
I love working at Reedley College because when I set foot on campus every day, I feel a sense of belonging -of coming home. It is a feeling of being part of a large family and learning together as we navigate the academic ship to reach the goals, dreams, learning outcomes, and mission of the college.