Welcome to Spring Semester 2025. On Saturday January 11, the campus celebrated the Choinumni Monument dedication, honoring our indigenous people of the place we all now call home. This event gave all of us who attended a reminder about the gifts we enjoy every day as we walk the grounds and breathe the air of this very special place. Tribal elders reminded us of our connections to each other and the earth, and of our responsibilities in caring for all of our relationships. The simple words, "In a good way" were repeated as both instruction and encouragement as we look to do the work we are called to everyday.
Here in the RC RWC we are looking forward to all the events that are coming up on campus. Now that the new McCLarty Center for Fine and Performing Arts has been completed, we are looking forward to hosting The RC Literary Arts evenings, which will include our Inaugural Reception/Fundraiser on Feb 20 with Emeritus Faculty, David Borofka. In celebration of Black History Month, the campus will host the African Drumming Circle on Feb 6. On March 27, we will host the San Francisco Shakespeare Troupe who will perform Romeo and Juliet.
Our Tutors will be participating in the SCCCD Tutor Expo on Saturday March 29, and this year's topic is "how play/fun helps students succeed." We are looking forward to getting our games (!) on and sharing what we learn. On April 3, Author Christopher Buckley will join us and on April 11, the 6th Annual All School Talent Show, The Tiger Pageant will feature an evening of some of our most creative and talented students. Our One-Book, One-College program will culminate with an evening with Gabriel Zevin, author of Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow on May 1st.
Amid the uncertainty we face in the larger world, it is good to be part of a community that values its people- and is committed to celebrating each of our efforts to build a strong, creative, thoughtful and resilient future for ourselves and those we serve. May we all continue to do our work, "in a good way" as the semester unfolds.