Ask yourself the following questions to make sure you're prepared to tackle the semester with all the resources you need!
Resources from Reedley College
Do I have a laptop and reliable internet connection? If not, check out a laptop and Wi-Fi Hot Spot from the Library Computer Lab FOR FREE
Do I have the necessary apps like Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to use for class assignments? Watch this video from 1:09-2:02 to learn how to download Microsoft Apps for FREE. (You already have access to the online versions through your student email account).
Do I need help with groceries? Check out the Tiger Pantry for non-perishable food items, produce, and hygiene products.
Do I know where to get tutored for my classes? Check out all the Tutoring Services available to you for free.
How's my mental health? Do I need to talk to a mental health counselor? Here's our Mental Health and Counseling options.
Do I need to speak to an academic counselor to figure out my major, degree, or other things? Talk to an academic counselor here.
Do I have questions about financial aid? Click here to message the office or see when I can work with them on Zoom.
Am I a student who has a disability and need accommodations? Visit the Disabled Student Programs and Services page.
I should definitely save the link to Reedley College Basic Needs Resources page because it could be useful to me or a student I know :) (Includes info on the Tiger Pantry, Health Resources, Housing, Childcare, Transportation, Technology Help, Mental Health Resources, and Domestic Violence resources).