Did you know that Reedley College has programs called Guided Pathways to help students with their major? If not, this is the right place for you. This month we’re focusing on the Social Sciences pathway, and how they help students with connecting to their majors and getting to know others in similar majors/programs, opportunities available for their chosen career path, and all kinds of other wonderful things!
Table of contents
-Social Sciences Majors/Programs
-The Social Sciences Success Team
-Social Sciences Canvas Shell
Social Sciences Events
As a student of Reedley College, you’re part of a pathway, even if you don’t know it! There are seven pathways at this school - Art, Music, and English (AME), Agriculture & Natural Resources (AGNR), Business (BUS), Early Childhood & Education (ECE), Industrial & Manufacturing (IND), Social Sciences (SS), and STEM. Find out more about the different pathways at this link: https://www.reedleycollege.edu/academics/guided-pathways/index.html
Each student is divided into a different pathway based on their major, and their pathway helps them with a multitude of things in their educational journey. They tell students about events or resources that may help them as students, give them a chance to connect with people in their major or similar majors, hold events for students to learn more about opportunities available in their field of study, and more.
This pathway is for students who wish to learn about the institutions and functioning
of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society.
Social Sciences Majors/Programs
This is a comprehensive list of all the majors and certificates involved in this pathway.
American Sign Language
The Social Sciences Success Team
Each pathway also has what’s called a Success Team, which is a group of people who are in charge of the pathway. They coordinate events for students, answer questions from students in the pathway, post announcements in the Canvas shell about different things involved in the pathway, help students when they need it, and so much more. Here are the members of the Success Team for this pathway:
Carlos Fuentes: Student Navigator
"I graduated from Reedley Community College in 2019 with my AST - Administration of Justice. I am currently in my last semester finishing my undergrad studies at CSU Fresno. As a member of the success team, we aid current and future RC students by helping them apply for college, financial aid, and scholarships, and much more at our RC Welcome Center. Outside of work, my hobbies include photography, cooking, arts, and crafts, and watching crime documentaries. I like working for Reedley College because I want to give back to students who come from a similar background as me. I am a first-generation college student who came from a family with no educational background or guidance - I did not know how to fill out FASFA, register/select classes I needed to take, or fill out forms. However, I was in programs that offered on campus such as EOP&S, SSS, and the Career Center. Like myself, there are other students who come from a similar background as me and could use some guidance in their college education."
Vanessa Buldo, Communication Instructor & Faculty Facilitator
"I attended Fresno State, majored in Communication Studies, minored in Psychology, and received my Master’s Degree in Communication Studies. As part of the Social Sciences Success Team, I am a faculty facilitator and I help coordinate events and communication between faculty, students, and the pathway success team. As a team, we are connecting with students and helping them along their educational journey in college. Outside of my work, I enjoy spending time with my husband and children, cheering on my kids in sports and activities, traveling, and eating good food. I enjoy working at Reedley College because the faculty, staff, administration, and students here are the best of the best. Everyone that works here is genuinely committed to helping students succeed. I love teaching communication and connecting with students. I am so happy to work at Reedley College and I knew when I was hired full time that I was where I was meant to be."
Nicole Cooper, Communication Instructor
"I earned a bachelor’s degree from CSU Fresno in Mass Communication & Journalism and a minor in Communication. I went on to earn a master’s degree in Communications from there too. As a member of the success team, Mrs. Buldo and I work together as the faculty facilitators for the pathway, helping connect the students and the pathway team to the Social Sciences Pathway. We do our best to represent our Social Science colleagues while also looking out for students’ best interests. Our duties include planning many events to help make these connections. Outside of work, I am busy with my family. My husband and I have three kids ages 7, 5, and 2. They are busy! Together as a family, we enjoy trips in our trailer to the coast and the mountains. We like spending time outdoors. Our kids love to fish and I prefer to read while they fish. I also enjoy gardening and using the fruits and vegetables from our garden to cook and can. I love working at Reedley College because it has a family environment. People care for one another; it is not just another student or another colleague - there is genuine care and concern for success and wellbeing. We have very hard working and committed students and our team at the college is dedicated to their success."
Maricela Gutierrez, Counselor
"I attended Reedley College and earned an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies. I then transferred to CSU Fresno where I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a Master’s degree in Social Work. As a member of the Success Team, my roles include: Collaborating with success team members & faculty members within the Social Sciences pathway, planning pathway semester orientations (Tiger Connect events), planning semester workshops, collaborating with other departments on campus such as the Career and Employment center to facilitate career-related exposure, and coordinating pathway counseling efforts. Outside of my work, I enjoy jogging, running, shopping, traveling and spending time with family. I like working for Reedley College because I am a product of Reedley college and a first-generation Latina student. A large number of our students are first generation students and I truly enjoy assisting these students to navigate the college system in order for all students to succeed and reach their academic goals."
Josefina Ramirez, Counselor
"I attended Fresno State, majored in Elementary Teacher Education, minored in Spanish, and received my master's degree in Counseling, Option in Student Affairs and College Counseling. As a member of the success team, I am an academic counselor and I help coordinate events and communication between students and faculty. As a team we communicate with students and assist them to reach their academic goals. Outside of work, I like spending time with my family and friends, as well as hiking, painting, and traveling. I like working at Reedley College because the environment there is the best. Everyone that works at Reedley College is committed to helping students reach their academic goals and needs. Personally, I love counseling students and assisting them with their academic needs. I’m grateful and so happy to work at Reedley College."
Other Support Staff Include:
Gurpreet Bhogal - Title V Coordinator
Melissa Affeldt - Data Coach & Counselor
Kyndall Murray - Student Navigator
Robert Esquivel - Student Navigator
The Social Sciences Canvas Shell
As mentioned before, each pathway also has a Canvas shell you can add to your dashboard. Announcements are posted on the Canvas shell regularly about events and/or deadlines coming up, opportunities for advancement in your field of study, and more. There’s also information in the shell about resources for students, the majors/programs available within that pathway, tips & advice for students, tutorials to different online programs like Starfish and Office 365, and other helpful resources for you as a student. Here is the link so you can self-enroll in the Social Sciences Canvas shell if you would like to join: https://bit.ly/3FF1bN5
Social Sciences Pathway Events
In the Social Sciences Pathway, there are lots of events during the semester for students, both fun and informative ones. Here are some of the events the pathway has either planned or already done this semester:
Gear Up For Finals
Gear Up For Finals is an event the Social Sciences Pathway has put on in the past - pathway success team members will set up a table with free goodies in front of the Student Center or somewhere else on campus to help students prepare for their finals.
Tiger Pathway Connect
Every semester the Social Sciences Pathway hosts a Tiger Pathway Connect. This is a great opportunity for students to connect with faculty, counselors, staff, and other students. This event is filled with important information about registration, SEPs, financial aid, campus resources, tutoring, Canvas, important dates, etc. In the past, this event has also allowed students to meet faculty and ask questions about their discipline and program.
Social Sciences Pathway Workshops
Throughout the semester the Social Sciences Pathway plans workshops. These workshops vary in topic. Past workshops have included topics such as SEP building, disciplines and programs, career and internships, resume and interviewing, registration, and highlighting of programs to transfer to at Fresno State. The pathway team is currently planning workshops for the Spring 2022 semester. If you have topic you would like to suggest, please send an email to one of the team members.
Join the Social Sciences Pathway!
The Social Sciences Pathway is happy to provide these resources & coordinate fun events for students to get to know one another and make connections with faculty & staff. If you have any questions about the pathway or how to become a part of it, look above for the link to self-enroll in the Canvas shell or contact Vanessa Buldo at vanessa.buldo@reedleycollege.edu or Nicole Cooper at nicole.cooper@reedleycollege.edu.