You are driving. Not vigorously so, but one of those drives where no amount of time is too much spent. It reminds you of those Sunday drives you used to take with your parents, when all they had on their mind was spending more time with you. Now, though, you are alone, and you feel free. It is late afternoon, leading into golden hour, and all around you are conifers so tall that the world all around you has been consumed. All that is left is you and the road. The stress of the life you are driving away from, the anxiety of the choice between an unsatisfying corporate job and an overly demanding blue-collar job, crosses your mind temporarily. You step on the gas.
A deep breath, a glance at your surroundings, and you realize this is where you are meant to be. Not where you came from, not where you are going, but right where you are right in this moment. Whatever essence of depression of the disappearing past lingers, and whatever anxiety the uncertain future holds, does not matter now. You feel peace, at least momentarily. When you decided to embark on this odyssey of the 21st century variety, it was done without any expectations. But now you know you will go home with vast amounts of perspective imbued in you, in your soul. It is as if a knot has been tied between your fears and desires, a bridge built between your anxiety and your ambition, a hole filled where you once had those thoughts that were so incredibly debilitating. Life does not seem so scary now, from the outside. And all the while these revelations abound, you are driving the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile™ (or the Planters Peanuts Nutmobile™).
If this situation appeals to you, I urge you to continue reading. As a fellow college student, I often crave the very escape I have described. So, when I learned of job opportunities available as driver for both the Wienermobile™ and the Planters Peanuts Nutmobile™, I became incredibly intrigued. Unfortunately for myself, they typically only hire applicants with a bachelor’s degree in either marketing or communications, and with strong social media and PR capabilities, which almost certainly rules me out. I write this, then, in hopes that my words may help some other lost soul achieve my dream.

First and foremost, the job description for both paths includes driving the vehicle across the country year-round and doing PR work at scheduled times and locations. Basically, you will be a walking advertisement 24/7. With the Wienermobile™ paying a salary of $35,600 and the Nutmobile™ paying a much higher $45,000, these jobs may not seem like the most ideal for those starting out their careers after college. However, a big bonus is that all food and travel expenses will be paid for. You will take all the money you earn home with you, and without expenses such as rent and car payments. So, if you are desperately trying to push off other responsibilities at least for a while, consider these jobs.