The Canvas Navigation panel (pictured left) allows students to move between the different features within Canvas, such as their Account, Dashboard, Courses, Calendar, Inbox, History, My Bookstore, and Help. Students should take the time to familiarize themselves with these features at the beginning of the semester.
Students should consider writing a short biography about themselves in their Account settings under Profile. This biography will introduce students to classmates and instructors, so it should be well written and professional. Students should include any information about their educational/career goals, accomplishments, skills, and anything that they want others to know.
In addition to creating a profile, students should also set up their notification preferences by clicking on Notifications under the Account Settings tab. These notification settings are very helpful because they keep students on track with what is happening in their classes. Students are able to select how, where, and when they receive notifications from Canvas. It is advised that students enable the link between Canvas and their mobile devices so that they are kept up to date on all emails, announcements, discussion posts, quizzes, and assignments.