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How To Get Microsoft Office 365

Deb Borofka

As a student, you have free access to Microsoft Office 365, which is the preferred software used by the college for all word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Students who are accustomed to using Google applications will need to make the transition to using Microsoft applications so that documents and assignments are compatible with the Canvas and Turn It In. Most professors will expect assignments to be completed using Microsoft applications and will not accept work from Google applications. 

      Downloading and using Microsoft applications is easy. No matter what device you are using, you can access these applications. If you are using a Mac or PC, it is recommended that you download and install the entire Microsoft Office 365 application suite. If you are using a tablet or Chromebook that has limited storage, you can access the online applications through your Outlook account via the Application tray pictured right. From the Application tray, you can access all of the Microsoft applications you will need for assignments and presentations. These programs automatically save your work to your SCCCD Cloud account, so you will be able to access and work on your assignments from any location or device. 

      To download the full Microsoft Office suite, simply click on the Application tray and select the Office 365 link (pictured right) to be taken to the Office 365 Dashboard. From the dashboard, you will be given the option to access all of the applications through the online dashboard or to Install Office. If you choose to install the Office, you will be prompted to select OFFICE 365 APPS; select this option to begin the download process. Once installed, you will have access to the full versions of all the Microsoft Office 365 applications.


      Students with limited storage space or devices that will not allow outside software to be installed can access all of the Microsoft applications through their Outlook account, or students can install individual Microsoft applications through both the Apple App Store or the Google App Store. Simply search for the application you would like to access and install it on your device. You will then be able to use the application on any device on which the application is installed. 

Whether you download the full version or use the online applications, you will need to be familiar with and use Microsoft office for all of your class assignments and projects.

Don't forget to explore your Microsoft Apps! You will find that many of them are extremely useful! 


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